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Eastgate Point, Commercial Road, Hendon, Sunderland, Tyne And Wear, SR2

2,800 - 25,200 Sq Ft (260.12 - 2,341.08 Sq M) To Rent £8 - £9 Per Sq Ft

General Enquiry
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Key Features
  • Units from 2,800 to 25,200 sqft
  • Steel Portal frame 6m to underside of haunch
  • Ridge Height 9.2m
  • 10% roof lights
  • 18 on site EV charging points
  • Eco-friendly development

Eastgate Point is situated 2km to the south of Sunderland City Centre, accessed via the A1018. The site provides excellent transport links, with easy access to the A19 and A1M and within 2 miles to the Port of Sunderland.
The scheme has planning approval for 7 buildings with Use Classes B2 (general industrial) and / or B8 (storage and distribution) and/or Use Class E(g) ii and iii) (light industrial); with a drive through coffee shop (Use Class E), EV charging station (Sui Generis) and associated parking, servicing areas and landscaping.


Sunderland is a dynamic, transforming young city with an increasing, thriving commercial drive for the business
community. The city has an industrial heritage rivalling those across the world, home to the UK's biggest and most productive car plant, as well as international businesses in the advanced manufacturing, production, technology, digital, comms and media industries.
Eastgate Point is situated 2km to the south of Sunderland City Centre, accessed via the A1018. The site provides excellent transport links, with easy access to the A19 and A1M and within 2 miles to the Port of Sunderland




All figures quoted are exclusive of VAT which may apply.

Business Rates



Units are available by way of new FRI leases on terms to be agreed at rents of £8 to £9 per sqft depending on unit size.